What Can Selling Your Home For Cash Give You The Power To Do?

Selling Your Home For Cash
is Quick and Easy
Easy Process
1. Contact us
Fill out the form in the contact button or call us today to have one of our team members schedule a time to meet with you to discuss your needs, and see how we can help.
2. Fair Cash Offer
Save the realtor fees and quickly receive the power to fund your dreams. We take a look at the house and make you an AS- IS cash offer. We save you the hassle of having to clean and take pictures of your home. Since this will be a cash offer we can get cash into your hands quickly as we don't have to do inspections and wait to be approved for mortgages.
3. Cash in your bank account
Once you have accepted our fair cash offer we will close quickly, getting you the cash you deserve.
Sell Your Home Fast for Cash
What would you need to fuel your dreams? By selling your home to us you will quickly receive the funds to make your dreams a reality today. What ever your needs, travel plans, retirement funds, freedom from debt, or just always wanted to buy that new RV and travel around the country- Blackridge Properties can give you the power to live your dreams
We are a small family owned company that buys houses in Pittsburgh and are known as a reliable home buying company. We take pride in teaching our children how to work hard with their hands fixing up distressed properties. After we fix them up, we make it super easy for new families to purchase or rent these homes. We love seeing once distressed properties house new families and create lifetime memories. If you want to sell your home fast for cash, we are a local family owned company ready to make you a great offer today!